Every year, over 600 million trees are cut down to produce paper. With so many trees being cut down every year, In India is slowly running out of forested land, and this leaves them with more than just one problem. There are more than just deforestation issues that come with cutting down so many trees every year, but there is also an environmental issue of which not enough people seem to be aware of.

We live in a society where people have disposable incomes and so it is common to see large waste bins filled with the remnants of cardboard boxes. They have been able to create works that are often given as gifts because their creations are so versatile and customizable. These pieces can be used as art or as decorations in any space.

Paper shredding is a process of reducing documents to particles so small they cannot be read. It can also refer to the collecting and removal of refuse, rubbish, and other waste material from a home or work place. In most cases, paper is disposed of in a paper shredder. Companies have been using shredded paper as filler for their boxes for decades. The use of shredded paper as filler has grown significantly in recent years as high-quality recycled content becomes more readily available.
Box Filler shredded paper ,
How much needed per box?
Most of us may have many boxes for packing but are not aware how much will go in each box, this Box-filler shredded paper can be used in small quantities for its looks rather than tight stuffing which also destroys it cushioning, it is a great way to safely and securely pack items for shipping. It is available in a variety of sizes and colors, making it perfect for any packing needs. Not only does it provide cushioning to protect fragile items, but its shredded form also fills up empty space in the box which helps save on breakages. Additionally, the shredded paper can be recycled or composted after use, making it a great eco-friendly option for businesses and consumers alike. Now how much will you need ? get in touch with us and we will be glad to give you a quantity estimate.
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